
Sivioco goes live

The website for Sivioco, a blog/portfolio site for Stoke-on-Trent based designer Sam Jones has just gone live. Sam approached me in November of last year to take his design and convert it into a WordPress theme.

Quick Coding tips: Remove the scroll bar from a textarea in IE

To remove the scroll bar which IE automatically places in a textarea, you add the following to your CSS.

How to get Dreamweaver to give you better CSS

Dreamweaver is often criticised for creating unnecessary long handed CSS, when a user is using the in built CSS editor. For example using the default settings Dreamweaver would create the following when you want a div with a right hand.

New year, new look Attack of the web

Happy new year! It’s the start of a new year, and a new Attack of the web, I have updated the source code behind the website, added a few things that should have always of been there.

Quick coding Tips: Textarea resizing in Safari/Chrome

Ever been annoyed that a Safari/Chrome user can resize a textarea on your page causing the layout to break? A simple fix is adding “resize:none” to your CSS. For example: textarea { resize:none; } This will prevent any WebKit.

QBS UK Ltd. goes live

This work was done sub contracted by Turton Middleton. I was approached by Turton Middleton to do the front end coding of the site (CSS and HTML) and convert it into a fully working WordPress theme.

Quick coding tips: Minimum height in IE6

As you may be aware the CSS property min-height unfortunately doesn’t work in IE6, however if you add the following hack after the attribute: height:auto !important; height: (the min height value);

Quick Coding tips: Source formatting

I’ve read a lot of blog posts lately from developers commenting on the messy way Adobe Dreamweaver inserts code into a build, stating its unformatted (nested elements aren’t indented).

Gary Wilson